Cameron's Goal: $50

Help spread the word

Cameron Kinder

Dear Friends and Family,

I am lacing up my sneakers this month and running my best at the Coolidge Elementary Pride Stride. This event raises money for me and my classmates to continue to have field trips, extra events durning the year, new recess equipment, support to our teachers and staff, and so much more the PTA does!

I would appreciate it, and so would my schoolmates, if you could help support me.

Thanks in advance for your support!

About this fundraiser:

The Cougar Pride Stride is only fundraiser of the year so we need everyone’s help! Please create a page for your child so that they will get credit for the donations! You will also be able to send the direct link to family and friends! Once you’ve received the donation please mark it on the envelope and turn it in so your child can get the credit!!

Your donations will help pay for:

  • Field trips, roller skating, teacher support and much more!!

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Top Donations

Cam's Grammie

Go Cam!

Pamela Williams

Let’s help Cam reach his goals! ❤️

Heidi Kinder
Charles Kimery