Help spread the word

Dear Friends and Family,
I am participating in Edison's Jog-a-Thon to raise money to support Edison PTA. Please support my school by making a donation! No amount is too small!
Also, please share my page's link with your friends and family via social media and email to help me raise more funds! I can win fun prizes for myself and if the school reaches its goal of $20,000!
Thank you for your support!
About this fundraiser:
The Jog-a-Thon is an opportunity to encourage your child's healthy habits through exercise while supporting Edison PTA. Students will gather pledges from September 26th through October 20th. And on October 13th, students will run, skip, walk, or dance their way through our jog-a-thon track and obstacle course.
Students can win prizes as they gather donations. If our school Fundraising Goal of $20,000 is reached, then Mrs. Okazaki and Mr. Steve will become Mario and Luigi at our Fall Festival!
The top fundraisers from each class will also get to pie Mr. Steve and other members of the PTA Executive Board.
Edison PTA is a 100% volunteer-run organization, and we depend on your donations to support the learning opportunities and fun student activities that we sponsor throughout the year! Please know that no amount is too small. Your ongoing backing and support are truly appreciated.
How it works:
1. Search for your child's personal fundraising page using the search tool. (Search by teacher or child's first name.)
2. Make a $ donation.
3. Share your child's personal page link with your friends and family via social media and email to help you child solicit other donations.
4. On October 13th, students will run, skip, walk, or dance their way through our jog-a-thon track and obstacle course.
Your donations will help pay for:
- Adventures in Art Supplies
- Field Trips
- Books for the library (100% PTA volunteer run)
- Winter & End of Year Assemblies
- Grants to teachers for instructional materials
- Reflections Program
- All other PTA-sponsored activities
All participants:
Top Donations
Run fast Olivia!
Way to go, keep it up Olivia!
You did so good today, Olivia!! We love you so much!
Good luck Olivia!

Way to go Olivia! We are proud of you!