Rowan's Goal: $100
(Estimate based on completing 100 minutes)

Help spread the word

Rowan M.
Team Weddle

Dear Friends and Family,

Thanks for checking out my Read-a-Thon page! I’m excited to read a lot and help raise money for my school to support our art and P.E. programs and equity resources for every student at Emerson. I’m going to read as much as I can during the 10-day Read-a-Thon, and I’m asking for pledges to help my school reach our goal. Our schoolwide goal is to read 300,000 minutes and raise $35,000. Will you help by making a pledge? You can pledge per minute or make a flat donation (a flat donation might help reduce any surprises in case I read a lot)!

Thank you for all of your support and encouragement.

About this fundraiser:

Consulte a continuación la traducción al español.

The Emerson Read-A-Thon is a schoolwide celebration of reading! We spotlight the power of reading for ten days, providing an opportunity for students and their families to focus on books and read together. Emerson’s 2023 Read-a-Thon kicks off on Friday, March 10th and ends on Sunday, March 19th. This fundraiser is focused on encouraging a love for reading and maximizing participation among all students. Our schoolwide goal is to read 300,000 minutes!

Pledging a flat dollar amount reduces any surprises at the end if your student ends up reading a lot. If you prefer to pledge per minute read, here are some general rules of thumb about how many minutes kids in each grade may read (or be read to!) each day:
• Kinders = approximately 15 minutes per day
• 1st and 2nd graders = approximately 30 minutes per day
• 3rd graders = approximately 40 minutes per day
• 4th and 5th graders = 60+ minutes per day

While we encourage pledges through this platform, pledges by cash or check are great too! Please include a note with the name and grade of the student you’re sponsoring and mail your payment (checks payable to “Emerson PTA) to:

Emerson Elementary PTA California
Attn: Read-a-Thon
2800 Forest Avenue
Berkeley, CA 94705


Acerca del Read-a-Thon:

¡El Read-A-Thon de Emerson es una celebración de la lectura en toda la escuela! Durante diez días, promoveremos la lectura, brindando una oportunidad para que los estudiantes y sus familias se concentren en los libros y lean juntos. El Read-a-Thon 2023 de Emerson comienza el viernes 10 de marzo y finaliza el domingo 19 de marzo. Esta recaudación de fondos se enfoca en fomentar el amor por la lectura y maximizar la participación entre todos los estudiantes. ¡Nuestra meta en toda la escuela es leer 300,000 minutos!
Prometer una cantidad fija en dólares reduce las sorpresas al final si su estudiante termina leyendo mucho. Si prefiere comprometerse por minuto leído, aquí damos sugerencias sobre cuántos minutos los niños de cada grado pueden leer (¡o que le lean!) cada día:
• Niños de kindergarten = aproximadamente 15 minutos por día
• Estudiantes de 1er y 2do grado = aproximadamente 30 minutos por día
• Estudiantes de tercer grado = aproximadamente 40 minutos por día
• Estudiantes de cuarto y quinto grado = más de 60 minutos por día

Si bien preferimos nos de su apoyo a través de esta plataforma, también con gusto recibimos su donacion en efectivo o cheque. Por favor incluya una nota con el nombre y el grado del estudiante que está patrocinando y envíe su pago (cheques pagaderos a "Emerson PTA") a:
Emerson Elementary PTA California
Attn: Read-a-Thon
2800 Forest Avenue
Berkeley, CA 94705

Todas las donaciones son deducibles de impuestos (Número de PTA EIN: 23-7009171)

Your donations will help pay for:

  • Weekly Art and PE Classes
  • Community Building Events
  • Racial Equity Resources
  • Front Office Staffing
  • Classroom Support

All participants:

Top Donations


Great Job Rowan! 66 hours!

Chris McCrum
Jessica Fisher

Hooray Rowan! Your mind must be swimming with all the good books you read!

Valerie Gutwirth

So proud of all your reading!! Love Valerie and Elio

Jennifer Petrucelli