Goal: $40,000

Help spread the word

About this fundraiser:

Our goal is to raise $40,000 for the school. The funds will support the following activities at the school this year and will be used for next year as well.

Classrooms – $16,000 – Each teacher is given $100 in the spring and $100 in the fall via the Amazon Wishlist program. The PTO shops for their classroom needs. We have approximately 80 teachers.

PBIS (Student Rewards) – $6,000 - Each year we fund special prizes for students who earn these rewards from academic excellence and great behavior.

Special Requests – $5,000 – Teachers have initiatives that require funding from time to time and the PTO is a great resource for them.

Student Celebration $12,000 – The PTO funds special celebrations such as the Valentine’s Day Dance, Year End Field Day, 8th Grade celebrations

Special projects: $10,000 – The PTO is working on a list of special projects that include landscaping, artwork additions to the campus and hosting special events.

Staff Appreciation: $8,000 – We love our staff and throughout the year we host breakfasts, lunches and more to celebrate them.

All participants:

Top Donations

Erica Waldstein

Have fun!!

Jennifer Mendoza

Have fun, Brinley! We love you so much!! Love, Mommy & Daddy


Juking Joey Jae love ya
