Help spread the word
Dear Friends and Family,
I am raising funds for our school to support learning goals, student celebrations, school improvement projects, special student projects and much more. Our school wants to continue to make learning fun and create a positive learning environment.
I would appreciate it (and so would my 1200 schoolmates) if you could help support me.
Thanks in advance for your support!
About this fundraiser:
Our goal is to raise $40,000 for the school. The funds will support the following activities at the school this year and will be used for next year as well.
Classrooms – $16,000 – Each teacher is given $100 in the spring and $100 in the fall via the Amazon Wishlist program. The PTO shops for their classroom needs. We have approximately 80 teachers.
PBIS (Student Rewards) – $6,000 - Each year we fund special prizes for students who earn these rewards from academic excellence and great behavior.
Special Requests – $5,000 – Teachers have initiatives that require funding from time to time and the PTO is a great resource for them.
Student Celebration $12,000 – The PTO funds special celebrations such as the Valentine’s Day Dance, Year End Field Day, 8th Grade celebrations
Special projects: $10,000 – The PTO is working on a list of special projects that include landscaping, artwork additions to the campus and hosting special events.
Staff Appreciation: $8,000 – We love our staff and throughout the year we host breakfasts, lunches and more to celebrate them.
All participants:
Top Donations
Enjoy the chance to skip two periods and hang with friends!
Have fun!!