Olivia's Goal: $25
(Estimate based on completing 8 hours)

Help spread the word

Olivia Printz
2 - Friedman

Dear Friends and Family,

I am challenging myself to stretch my reading skills and read as much as possible over the next two weeks for the Jefferson Elementary Read-A-Thon! I earn gold coins for school store rewards and a chance at prizes for top readers. I also contribute to my grade's average hours for a chance to win a pizza party!

If you want to support me, pledge hourly, or offer a set gift, your donation will fund my spring field trips, allow the Jefferson PTC to reimburse teachers' classroom supplies, and support the Angel Network.

We are excited to kick off this school year and #MakeTheDayCount, and I'm going to do my best!

About this fundraiser:

Jefferson Elementary School is hosting its annual Read-A-Thon for students to start the school year by kicking their reading into gear! Over two weeks as you challenge yourself to personal reading goals you can earn gold coins, the chance at a top prize, and push your whole grade to their best performance!

Our younger readers can tally storytime with a family member or other grown-up, while our older readers may want to see how much they can stretch their reading muscles by themselves!

You can track your hours at home with one of our Jeffy sheets and log your hours daily on our PTC website. The event begins Friday 9/16, and runs through Friday 9/30, after which the PTC will tally your earned gold coins for you and announce the top readers in each grade and the grade with the most hours read!

Your donations will help pay for:

  • Field Trips & School Events
  • Classroom Supplies for Teachers
  • Angel Network

All participants:

$5,225 raised
of $5,000 goal
Raised $510
Raised $405
Raised $300
Raised $243
Raised $230
Raised $210
Raised $200
Raised $170
Raised $150

Top Donations

Sam Fry

Our little reader!

Susanne Schultes

Love hearing you read!

Alison fry

Keep reading Liv!

Ashley Zepp

Happy reading Livy!

Elizabeth Hoffman

Get reading Olivia!