Team's Goal: $2,520

Help spread the word

Team Chickadeees
Team Chickadees

Dear Friends and Family,

Your MPCS Phoenix student will be lacing up my sneakers on Friday, September 13 and running my best at the Mountain Phoenix Community School Fun Run.

Mountain Phoenix Community School believes that children prosper when their curriculum is varied and includes movement and artistic activities. Because we are a charter school, we have the ability to create an inspiring, arts-based environment of learning and adventure unlike other public schools.

We are also a public school and while we do receive district funding for each student, we also have expenses that neighborhood schools don’t. We must pay for our own facilities — pay our mortgage, as well as repairs and maintenance on our campus. While we do generate income to cover these expenses, it’s just enough to break even and doesn’t cover additional improvements we need to make.

I would appreciate it (and so would my 550 schoolmates) if you could help support me.

Thanks in advance for your support!

About this fundraiser:

MPCS Foundation is a non-profit created solely to support our charter school. Our goal with the Fun Run is to help our Phoenixes soar! With your donation, you are supporting your children's hard work their amazing teachers, our magical campus and Public Waldorf Education. No amount is too small. Spread the word!

In recent years, the Foundation has been able to support projects such as:
- Renovated ECE playground
- Grades playground
- Beautification projects such as the mural in the Assembly Hall - - - Scholarships for teachers continued education
- Equipment for the facility such as a ATV snow plow
- Support for our music and gym departments

Here's the BONUS! Every class that reaches their team fundraising goal will receive a $400 incentive in their class account.

1. Search for your child's classroom from "All Participants" drop down menu on the right hand side of the page.
2. Once you select the class in the drop down menu click on the class name directly below the drop down box with the little runner guy next to the class name in blue. This will take you to the class page.
3. Click the DONATE button from the class page and follow the steps

OR - choose the General Fund if you are not giving to a particular classroom.

We appreciate you!
MPCS Foundation

Your donations will help pay for:

  • Teacher & Staff Waldorf development & education
  • Improve our campus: Building improvements & maintenance
  • Enhance our Waldorf classrooms and arts curriculum

All participants:

$56,401 raised
of $56,490 goal

Top Donations

Chance's family

Go Go Chance! Go Go Chickadees!

Hieb Family

Let's go Chickadees!

Banks’s Family

Go Chickadees!

Jesse Cook
Travis Bellville