Help spread the word

Dear Friends and Family,
I am lacing up my sneakers next month and running my best at my school's Pumpkin Run to occur on Thursday, October 24th. I'm excited to be a part of it because this event raises money for Chromebooks in classrooms for me and my classmates to use. We want to go one to one with Chromebooks this year so everyone is exposed to them so when we test we have more experience.
I'm asking for sponsors to help me reach my fundraising goal. Will you help by making a donation? Under the tab, "Add Participant" just search for my name (add my name if it's not already there) and make your donation. It's that simple.
Thanks in advance for your support!
About this fundraiser:
We are a school where student learning thrives and children feel good about the place they call their school. We believe that this is because of the incredible students that attend our school, the awesome staff who believe that relationships with students are key to optimal learning and more importantly the incredible support of our families. We could not engage in the wonderful learning opportunities and the fun things we do here without your monetary support. Please know that no amount is too small. Your ongoing backing and support are both truly appreciated.
Each student will receive an envelope with a shirt, a pen, and a pledge sheet (for people who prefer to avoid the online avenue). Anyone who donates any amount of money gets to sign the student's t-shirt to be worn the day of the Pumpkin Run, Thursday, October 24th.
This is a competitive race. First, second, and third place for boys and girls in each grade level will receive a pumpkin and a Halloween dog-tag. Any families that would like to donate a pumpkin or money to purchase pumpkins for the race, please bring them to the PE room on or before October 22nd.
Not only we will participate in the physical competition of racing, but we are challenging each class to raise $1000. Each class that raises this amount will be treated to a pizza party.
In order to support individuals, we have established the following incentives;
Every child who turns in $10 will receive a neon sticky eyeball.
Every child who turns in $25 will receive a dinosaur and slime filled egg (plus lower level prize).
Every child who turns in $50 will receive a popsicle and extra recess (plus lower level prizes).
Every child who turns in $100 will receive a mini bright magic cube and be invited to a Hot Dog Diggity Lunch (plus lower level prizes).
Every child who turns in $200 will receive a tie-dye drawstring bag(plus lower level prizes).
The top sellers for each grade level will have the opportunity to TP Mrs. Ryerson
Our goal is for every student at Gibson to raise money for our school. Let's make this happen!
All participants:

Good Luck McKenna We Love You ♥️