Oliver's Goal: $100

Help spread the word

Oliver D.
Cardiasmenos, Brenda

Dear Friends and Family,

On Friday, February 17th, I'll be lacing up my sneakers to run, walk or roll my best at my school's Fund Run. I'm so excited because this event raises money for me and my classmates to continue to learn and grow in Math, Science, Art, Drama, Spanish Education, and other programs that are important but not fully funded by our education system.

I'm asking for sponsors to help me reach my fundraising goal. Will you help by making a pledge donation?

Thank you for all of your support and encouragement!

About this fundraiser:


Your donations will help pay for:

  • Educational and Recreational Programs
  • Teacher and Classroom Supplies
  • Visual and Performing Arts Programs
  • Dual Language Education Support

Sponsored by:

All participants:

$46,614 raised
of $40,000 goal
Raised $3,059
Raised $1,154.90
Raised $1,135
Raised $1,000
Raised $800
Raised $730
Raised $530
Raised $520
Raised $520
Raised $410

Top Donations

Sean DuPuis

Go Oliver Go!!!

Ryan DuPuis
Christopher DuPuis
Miriam L

Go Oliver!

Alicia Marie DuPuis

Go Oliver!!!