Goal: $10,000
only 41 days left!

Help spread the word

About this fundraiser:

It is said that "A reader lives a thousand lives" and at Woodland Star Charter School, we are excited to launch our Readathon near Martin Luther King Jr day and continue through April! Creating a habit of reading can greatly impact a child's life into adulthood. Join us as we raise money for our school and build a community of readers.

Reading can include reading aloud to children, children reading themselves, and/or reading out loud to family/friends.

All participants:

$3,477 raised
of $10,000 goal
Raised $380
Raised $270
Raised $257
Raised $245
Raised $230
Raised $215
Raised $160
Raised $150

Top Donations

Rosie’s Ammy

Keep up the good reading, Liam!


LUKE! You are AMAZING! Keep Reading! xoxo Ms. Callahan

Rosalie C Boynton
Mimi & Grandpa


Uncle G

Enjoy the books you read! Proud of you!