Goal: $10,000
only 74 days left!

Help spread the word

About this fundraiser:

It is said that "A reader lives a thousand lives" and at Woodland Star Charter School, we are excited to launch our Readathon near Martin Luther King Jr day and continue through April! Creating a habit of reading can greatly impact a child's life into adulthood. Join us as we raise money for our school and build a community of readers.

Reading can include reading aloud to children, children reading themselves, and/or reading out loud to family/friends.

All participants:

$852 raised
of $10,000 goal
Raised $315
Raised $197
Raised $100
Raised $75
Raised $60
Raised $35
Raised $10
Raised $10

Top Donations

Rosie’s Ammy

Keep up the good reading, Liam!


LUKE! You are AMAZING! Keep Reading! xoxo Ms. Callahan

Jemeljanovs family

Hi Luke hope this helps! Keep reading!! Our best, Ali, Nikolai, Sasha and Konstantin

Ma and Gimps

Reading brings happiness and wisdom

Uncle Dan and Aunt Cathy

Way to go Liam?