Liam's Goal: $500
(Estimate based on completing 1200 minutes)

Help spread the word

Liam McGovern
Morning Glory Kinder

Dear Friends and Family,

I am developing a love of reading by participating in the Woodland Star Readathon! This event raises money for me and my classmates. It also provides me with a fun reason to practice reading, and to be read to, every day.

Last year you helped me win the top fundraising prize for my jog-a-thon. Let’s keep up the tradition!

I would greatly appreciate it if you could help support me.

About this fundraiser:

It is said that "A reader lives a thousand lives" and at Woodland Star Charter School, we are excited to launch our Readathon near Martin Luther King Jr day and continue through April! Creating a habit of reading can greatly impact a child's life into adulthood. Join us as we raise money for our school and build a community of readers.

Reading can include reading aloud to children, children reading themselves, and/or reading out loud to family/friends.

All participants:

$3,477 raised
of $10,000 goal
Raised $380
Raised $270
Raised $257
Raised $245
Raised $230
Raised $215
Raised $160
Raised $150

Top Donations

Rosie’s Ammy

Keep up the good reading, Liam!

Uncle Dan and Aunt Cathy

Way to go Liam?

The Blackwoods

We love that you love to read, Liam!

Debbie D.

Never stop reading!


Happy reading Liam