Charlotte's Goal: $100
(Estimate based on completing 100 minutes)

Help spread the word

Charlotte Zaremski

Dear Friends and Family,

I am lacing up my sneakers in August and participating in my school's Fit-A-Thon! This event raises money for our school to improve our recess area. We are hoping to add obstacle courses, playground toys, more recess equipment, and maybe even a gaga pit!

I would appreciate it (and so would my 200+ schoolmates) if you could help support me.

Thanks in advance for your support!

About this fundraiser:


Your donations will help pay for:

  • Backyard Experience

All participants:

$2,035 raised
of $10,000 goal
Raised $300
Raised $230
Raised $200
Raised $165
Raised $150
Raised $100
Raised $100
Raised $100
Raised $100
Raised $80

Top Donations
