Alexander's Goal: $300
(Estimate based on completing 9 miles)

Help spread the word

Mr. Cortez

Dear Friends and Family,

I am lacing up my sneakers next month and walking, running, or riding my best at the Stonehill Christian Academy Walk-A-Thon. This event raises money for me and my classmates to access the high quality academic and spiritual programs at our school. We are excited for the new enrichment opportunities that these funds will make possible!

I would appreciate it if you could help support me and my classmates.

Thanks in advance for your support!

About this fundraiser:

Stonehill Christian Academy's annual Walk-A-Thon fundraiser is May 7, 2023 at Lake Pflugerville Park 18216 Weiss Ln, Pflugerville, TX 78660 at 10 am! We are so excited to have this event again. As a major fundraising event for the school, we rely on the participation and support of our school and church community.

Money will be raised to benefit SCA programs, student enrichment activities, and materials.

How to be involved:

- Students will collect pledges from family, church, and community members. This typically raises the most funds.

- Non-students can participate at the Walk-A-Thon on May 7 with a $25 registration fee.
*Note: This year parents may contribute the registration fee for immediate family members to their student(s) effort

Your donations will help pay for:

  • Student enrichment activities
  • Academic programs
  • Materials and equipment

All participants:

$5,920 raised
of $12,000 goal
Raised $765
Raised $625
Raised $625
Raised $370
Raised $325
Raised $290
Raised $270
Raised $240
Raised $240
Raised $240

Top Donations

Diedra and Charles Alston

Love you Alex, Grand Mommy and Granddaddy

Charles N. Alston III

Go Alex

Auntie Thea and Uncle David

Good job Alex! We're proud of you! We love you and miss you!

Theora Powell

Hi Alexander, love you very much and wish you do well in school and are a blessing. Love you💞

Uncle David and Auntie Pooh

Love you Alex 😍