Cam's Goal: $200
(Estimate based on completing 81 shots)

Help spread the word

Cam L.
Junior Varsity

Dear Friends and Family,

Thank you for visiting my page. I am participating in my team's shoot-a-thon of which 50% will raise money for students with special needs (down syndrome & autism) through a donation to the Wicked Awesome Wishes foundation, while the remaining 50% are for our program's tournaments, travel expenses, training equipment, and much more.

I'm excited because I'm going to shoot 100 free throws for the shoot-a-thon. Will you help me surpass my fundraising goal by making a pledge per made shot or through a simple flat donation? Your pledge per made free throw also gives me more incentive to work on my free throw shooting!

Thank you for all of your support and encouragement!

About this fundraiser:

Fitness options for the students with special needs are virtually non-existent! This is hard to imagine considering research shows the enormous health benefits of early intervention to improve the health and functioning in pediatric disabilities. With research supplied by Dr. Dale Ulrich, Head of the University of Michigan School of Kinesiology, the GUTS Training Center offer programs specifically designed for the special needs community, including strength training, yoga, dance, ballet, Zumba, and martial arts, as well as sports-specific programs like soccer and baseball.

50% of the proceeds will scholarship students to participate in the TEAM GUTS programs while also helping the Lions' Boys Basketball program in offering a special basketball camp at South Lyon HS on February 1st, from 2 - 3pm.

We look forward to an amazing season and thanks again!

Your donations will help pay for:

  • Scholarships for Students with Special Needs (50% proceeds)
  • Lions' Boys Basketball for equipment, tourneys & camps (50%)

All participants:

$9,920 raised
of $10,000 goal
Raised $1,296
Raised $680
Raised $465
Raised $455.50
Raised $427
Raised $424.75
Raised $371
Raised $350
Raised $295
Raised $295

Top Donations

Diane M Hickox
Michael Anderson

Nice work Cam

Patricia L Lewis

From Aunt Shari, Uncle Guy, Ashley and Lucca

Patricia L Lewis

Coach Fred

Patricia L. Lewis

From Cameron Lewis