Matt's Goal: $100

Help spread the word

Matt Conrad
HV Venom

About this fundraiser:

The HV Venom 13 u baseball team will is holding it's 2nd annual hit-a-thon to raise money for our 2017 Season! Our Hit-a-thon will be held on Saturday June 24th at 5 pm at Cronomer Hill Park!
Travel baseball is very costly. We are trying to raise funds to pay for all of our tournaments! Please help out our boys so we can enter tournaments and create lasting memories for our boys and their families!

The player that raises the most $$ will win a $50 Gift Card to the store of their choice!

How does this hit-a-thon work? It's simple!

Each player will be given 15 pitches and will earn points depending on their hits

10 pts- Home Run
5 pts - Hard line drive
3pts - Long lazy fly or hard on ground
2pts - Any other contact
1pt - Just for being there for that pitch (so each player will start out with 15 points)

Sponsors could pledge per point or flat rate (Most people just do a flat rate)

Prizes will be awarded to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners!

All proceeds will go strictly to the team. Thank you in advance for your support! GO VENOM!

All participants:

$1,373 raised
of $1,000 goal
Raised $350
Raised $188
Raised $185
Raised $170
Raised $120
Raised $100
Raised $100
Raised $60
Raised $50
Raised $25

Top Donations

Paul M Conrad