Goal: $7,500

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About this fundraiser:

Victoria Elementary is located on the Westside of Costa Mesa, California. This year every student will participate in our Jog-a-thon on Wednesday, November 16th to help fund PTA enrichment programs such as Recess Art, STEM Makerspace, Band/Show Choir, Reading Rewards Program, and History Walk-Throughs. We could not engage in these wonderful learning opportunities without your monetary support. Please know that no amount is too small. Your support makes a difference and is truly appreciated.

All participants:

$19,479 raised
of $7,500 goal
Raised $815
Raised $625
Raised $583
Raised $530
Raised $500
Raised $450
Raised $410
Raised $410
Raised $385
Raised $385
Not in the list? Add participant.

Top Donations

Stratton Family
Lane Family
Darbee Scofield Family
Shawna Kenney