Help spread the word

Dear Friends and Family,
I am lacing up my sneakers next month and walking for the Walk for Worship Walk-a-ton '24. This event raises money for Next Level Worship International to continue to do ministry across the globe.
I would greatly appreciate it if you could help support me and the thousands that will benefit from your generosity.
Thanks in advance for your support!
About this fundraiser:
In October of 2024 we're walking for worship! Will you help us continue to disciple Christians about true, whole-life worship and reach communities with the Gospel around the world? NLW International is a non-profit, 501(c)3 organization. Thus, donations from US citizens are tax-deductible!
At NLW International we believe worship is more than music or just something we do on Sundays. Worship should be our lifestyle, bringing glory to God in all we do. As people gaze on Him through worship, they will be changed from the inside out.
To watch a fun video about last year's Walk for Worship, go to https://tinyurl.com/4ej7zzch
There are multiple ways to get involved in the Walk For Worship. Listed below are a few key ways you can do this, but if you have exciting and creative ideas, feel free to share those with us any time. We’d love to hear it.
1. Pray
We would love to for everyone to be praying for this event
and for what God has in store for Next Level Worship. As He
continues to open more doors, we want to stay focused on
where the Lord is leading and trust that He will provide the
resources we need to make it happen.
2. Share
We also would love everyone to share any and all of our posts
on social media, with friends and family, with your church, or
whoever might be interested in what is happening with
Next Level Worship. While one of the main goals of the
Walk For Worship is to raise funds, we very much want to let
people know about the amazing things that God has already
done and where we see Him leading us in the future.
3. Walk
A great way to help us raise awareness is to get involved
through walking. You can do this by yourself, with a few
friends, as a church, or any other way you’d like. When you
do, be sure to let people know why you’re doing it and see if
they will pledge money per mile/km, or even a one time
donation, to help fund future ministries of Next Level Worship.
They can donate to a specific team or to a general donation
page at www.walkforworship.com.
4. Lead
We know that we have some incredible leaders out there that
like to go above and beyond. If you’ve been blessed by the
ministry of Next Level Worship, or know someone that has,
you might consider stepping up as a leader for this Walk For
Worship. If you would like to have your own official team
listed on the website (www.walkforworship.com), email Mike
at msooy@nlwinternational.com and we will be happy to get
you listed on there. This will give you a landing page for
people to go online and donate to the walkathon through
you’re specific team. Again, you can do this as an individual,
a small team, a large team, a church, organization, etc.
5. Give
We also know that some of you may or may not have time to
walk during the month of October, but the Lord has put you in
a unique position to be a blessing financially. If you feel that
He’s leading you to help keep this ministry growing and
thriving into the future, then we would like to invite you to
give by visiting www.walkforworship.com and making your
donation there.
Your donations will help pay for:
- Intensive Worship Schools in Africa
- Worship Bible Schools for children in Africa
- Pastor training & evangelism in Africa, Germany, & Pakistan
- Devloping new teaching and training material
- US Mission Trips
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Keep up the awesome work in Wyoming!