Help spread the word
About this fundraiser:
Every year, thanks to you and our generous community, the bands of Pickerington High School Central and North raise close to $30,000 on our annual Tag Day. In 2020 we learned how vital having digital options to our traditional in-person events can be. We decided for 2021 to provide both an in-person Tag Day as well our virtual event.
Your donation helps with: instruments, music arranging/drill writing, transportation, uniforms, equipment and other essential needs for the bands.
Any size donation is graciously accepted and appreciated. Those community members and businesses that reach the following levels for Gold, Silver, Bronze will be printed on a banner and posted in Panther and Tiger Stadium.
If mailing a check is your preference, please make checks out to one of the following organizations and corresponding addresses:
Pickerington North Band Boosters
P.O. Box 778
Pickerington, OH 43147
Pickerington Central Band Boosters
P.O. Box 254
Pickerington, OH 43147
We thank the Pickerington Community for their continued and proud support of these two exceptional musical organizations for students!
Your donations will help pay for:
- Instruments
- Music Arranging/Drill Writing
- Transportation
- Equipment/Essential Needs
All participants:
Top Donations
Have a great year Caden & Kylie!!!
Good luck Emma Love and prayers Uncle Mike and aunt Sheryl

Have a great band season!