Help spread the word

Dear Friends and Family,
I will be participating in the Mustang Stampede at my school, Meadow Heights, on May 1st. This event is a fun run/walk event for all of the students and a fundraiser for our PTA.
I'm asking for sponsors to help our PTA reach our fundraising goal of $15,000. Will you help me by making a donation? Donations of any amount are welcome. Please select "Other" on the donation page to set your donation amount.
* Note that the optional "tip" on the donation page goes to 99Pledges, to support their business, as they provide this fundraising platform free of charge to organizations like the PTA. It may be set to $0, or another amount you choose.
Fundraising is open through May 3rd.
Meadow Heights Elementary School PTA is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization. Your donation may be tax-deductible.
Thank you for your support!
About this fundraiser:
The Mustang Stampede is one of Meadow Heights Elementary School PTA's biggest and most exciting fundraisers of the year. The Stampede will be held on May 1st. Students run/walk laps by grade groups and collect donations to help the PTA fund important programs at Meadow Heights! Fundraising will end on May 3rd.
Sobre este Recaudación de Fondos:
El Mustang Stampede es uno de los eventos más grandes y emocionantes del año de la PTA de la escuela Primaria de Meadow Heights. El Stampede se llevará a cabo el 1 de mayo. Los estudiantes corren/caminan por grupos de grado y se reúnen donaciones para ayudar al PTA a financiar programas importantes en Meadow Heights! La recolección de donaciones terminará el 3 de mayo.
Your donations will help pay for:
- Field Trips / Paseos
- Classroom supplies / Utiles escolares
- Art Teacher & Music Program / Maestra de arte y Programa de
- Family events and more! / Eventos familiares y mucho más!
All participants:
Top Donations
Way to go Jackson! We are so proud of you! We love you !
We love you!! Good Luck & have so much fun!!
We are so proud of you Jackson!!!!!!
Sending you the biggest hugs Jack Jack!! You are amazing!!

From: uncle Meyer , you're Abba called me and he told me you have done a great job racing see you so