Mila's Goal: $1,000

Help spread the word

Mila Howe
RLL Minor Softball Night Owls

Dear Friends and Family,

I am picking up and swinging my bat for Ridgefield Little League's 2024 Hit-A-Thon Fundraiser & Contest Event.

This event raises money for me and my fellow Baseball & Softball players in Ridgefield Little League to provide enhancements to the Baseball and Softball programs, provide equipment and safety gear, keep our Fields and practice spaces clean and up to date, and in general to make my Little League experience great with multiple events and activities throughout the season.

I would appreciate it (and so would my, over 425 Little League players, coaches and volunteers in Ridgefield Little League) if you could help support me.

There are some great prizes for the top individual fundraiser! Like a Meta Quest 3 VR System, Meta Ray-Ban Wayfarer Smart Glasses, Gift Card, Team Event Party, Medals and Champion T-Shirts!

Thanks in advance for your support!

About this fundraiser:

Ridgefield Little League is excited for the return of the Annual Hit-a-thon fundraiser. Proceeds from our fundraising will go towards Softball and Baseball Programs. They’ll go towards new equipment, safety gear, uniforms, and general maintenance and upkeep of our current facilities like fields at Abrams Park, RHS Fieldhouse, RORC equipment, Upgrades to the Abrams Park Audio and Network system and in general help to keep our registration fees lower and provide opportunities and events for the League during the season and year round.

The RLL 2024 Hit-A-Thon will be held on Saturday, April 27 2024 at The Ridgefield Outdoor Recreation Complex (RORC) - And will be scheduled for all 37 teams playing in RLL this season for Tee-Ball, Pee-Wee Baseball & Softball, Minor/Major Baseball & Softball, & Junior Baseball & Softball.

Here’s how it works:
• Each player will receive a Hit-a-thon pledge site via email and available to link off our website.

• Players will ask their family and friends or anyone to pledge either a flat amount (ex. $10 or $20) OR on a per foot basis. We will take the players longest hit out of 3 hits and multiply it by the amount of the pledge. (ft x pledge = donation) Example of a .20 cent/foot pledge (100 feet) x (20 cents) = $20.00 donation to the program.

• Measurements are based off distance and straight accuracy. Two spotters are used for accurately measuring the distance. The measuring tape will run in a straight line away from the batting tee. For each ball hit, Spotters A or B mark the spot where each ball first lands on the fly, NOT where the ball stops rolling. After the competitor’s third and final attempt (unless bonus hits were earned), the spotters will determine the best hit and measure that attempt. If two or more hits are too close to differentiate, then both or all of the attempts will be measured, with only the best attempt scored.

• Scoring method: distance traveled – inaccuracy = total distance. After the three hit attempts and the best attempt is located, Spotter A goes to the marked spot of the ball holding one end of a string and Spotter B stands on the tape measure perpendicular to the spot of the ball holding the other end of the string, making sure the string is pulled tight. Spotter A walks towards the measuring tape while Spotter B stands still. The string should be pulled tight between them. Once Spotter A reaches the tape measure, the distance between the batting tee and Spotter A will be the “total distance” used to calculate the batter’s hit distance.

• Each player will get 3 hits from a Tee (all divisions). Bonus hits will be awarded to the player based on their total of fundraising amount on our online Fundraiser Website (99Pledges.com) as of April 26th. (All divisions) Bonus hits will be awarded 1 hit for every $50 raised - Max capped at $500. (A potential of 10 extra hits! And a Total of 13 hits possible.)

• Players will also have the ability to collect donations online. Each player will have their own website where donations can be made in their name. You will receive an email with information about your page or you can go to https://99pledges.com/fund/rll2024hit

• This is a great way for out of town friends and family to support you.

• Each hit will be measured, and the top 3 hits will be recorded. Winners will be determined between top hits for each division. Using the other 2 longest hits as tie breaker hits.

• Top Team and Individual Fundraisers will be determined at the final close of the Fundraiser on May 5th, which will include online donations, including per foot hits and all cash/check donations made to RLL in the name player.

• All Cash/Check donations need to be turned in no later than May 5th to count toward the fundraiser competition. And need to be made out to RLL or Ridgefield Little League. Later donations to the leagues will be accepted and greatly appreciated.

• Prizes will be awarded for the following:
- Longest Hitter in each division (Medal & 2024 Champion Tee-Shirt)
- Top Fundraising Team: Hosted Team Event Party.
- Top 3 Individual Fundraisers.
- First Prize for the top individual fundraiser will be a Meta Quest 3 VR System
- Second Place for the individual fundraiser will be a pair of Meta Ray-Ban Wayfarer Smart Glasses
- Third Place for the individual fundraiser will be a $100 Amazon Gift Card

Any questions regarding this fundraiser can be emailed to: info@ridgefieldlittleleague.com

Thank you so much for your support in this fundraiser!

Your donations will help pay for:

  • Baseball & Softball Programs Development
  • New Equipment for Teams & Players
  • Safety Gear
  • Uniforms
  • General Maintenance & Upkeep of Fields/Facilities
  • Keep Registration Fees Low & Affordable
  • Allow RLL to Host/Run Events for the players in RLL
  • Upgrade & Maintain Abrams Park Playing Fields
  • Help develop additional RLL Playing Fields
  • Help to keep RLL growing with Quality Programs

All participants:

$15,353 raised
of $21,250 goal
Raised $1,300
Raised $745
Raised $600
Raised $580
Raised $560
Raised $400
Raised $390
Raised $380
Raised $360
Raised $350

Top Donations

Kenneth Uracius
Meghan and Maddy

Way to go Mila!!

Uncle D & Auntie N

You are working so hard; you should be incredibly proud of your skill and knowledge growth ❤️