Alessandra's Goal: $300
(Estimate based on completing 400 minutes)

Help spread the word

Alessandra M.
Rising 5th

Hello friends and family!

La Ballona Elementary School is hosting a read-a-thon this summer to get us reading and raise money for our school. Every dollar we raise will go towards enrichment programs, classroom resources, campus upgrades and more.

I have already read more than my initial goal of 400 minutes and I will continue to read as many minutes as I can this summer!!! You can participate by making a donation for every minute I read OR by making a flat donation.

Any and all donations are greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your support!

For more information about our school, please visit laballonapta.org/lions-pride

About this fundraiser:

Every dollar raised through this fundraiser will be used to pay for things our students use every day, like up-to-date technology, learning aids and resources, extracurricular programs and more. Your donation makes a significant impact on the lives of our students, and we are deeply appreciative of your support!

Classrooms can earn prizes for collecting donations:
- Classrooms where 100% of students read at least 100 minutes will earn a pajama day
- The classroom in each grade that reads the most earns a pizza party

AND, if everyone together in the school reads 300,000 minutes - that's just about 10 minutes a day per child - the kids will get ice cream at the end of the first day of school!

For more information about our school, please visit https://laballonapta.org/summer-read-a-thon

Your donations will help pay for:

  • Programs for Students
  • Resources for Teachers
  • Enrichment Programs
  • Campus Beautification
  • Field Trips

All participants:

Top Donations

Mom and Dad

So happy you enjoyed your summer of reading!


Alessandra, I know you will do absolutely great!

Nina Elsa

Love my smart girl! 😘

Xochilt Rodriguez
Silvia E Garcia